
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “P. S?imek” ,找到相关结果约555920条。
Using Metadata Description for Agriculture and Aquaculture Papers
P. Simek, J. Vane?k, V. Oc?ena?s?ek, M. Stoc?es, T. Vogeltanzova
AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics , 2012,
Abstract: The paper deals with the most used metadata formats and thesauri suitable for describing scientific and research papers in the domains agriculture, food industry, aquaculture, environment and rural areas. These include the Dublin Core (DC), Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS), Virtual Open Access Agriculture and Aquaculture Repository Metadata Application Profile (VOA3R AP) and the AGROVOC thesaurus. Having analyzed the metadata formats and research paper lifecycle, the authors would recommend that each paper should entail metadata description as soon as it is published. The metadata are to describe the content and properties of the paper. One of the most suitable metadata formats is the VOA3R AP that is partially patterned on the DC and combined with the AGROVOC thesaurus. As a result, an effective description, availability and automatic data exchange between and among local and central repositories should be attained.The knowledge and data presented in the present paper were obtained as a result of the following research programs and grant schemes: the Grant No. 20121044 of the Internal Grant Agency titled Using Automatic Metadata Generation for Research Papers“, the Grant agreement No. 250525 funded by the European Commission corresponding to the VOA3R Project (Virtual Open Access Agriculture & Aquaculture Repository: Sharing Scientific and Scholarly Research related to Agriculture, Food, and Environment), http://voa3r.eu and the Research Program titled Economy of the Czech Agriculture Resources and their Efficient Use within the Framework of the Multifunctional Agrifood Systems“ of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport number VZ MSM 6046070906.
Information Support of Regions and Possibilities of Its Further Development
J. Vane?k, M. Stoc?es, P. Simek, I. Hrbek
AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics , 2012,
Abstract: The paper presents the results of information and communication technologies (ICT) research support in the Czech Republic regions, focused mainly on the problems of mapping cultural heritage together with activities in the area of tourism and business activities connected with it (accommodation, food etc). One possible approach is demonstrated on the example of web portal “Get to know Posumavi – a tourist guide to Posumavi”. This approach integrates the advantages of standard information sources with the Internet application. Moreover, this application provides a clear topographical output. The project is being prepared in co-operation with a chosen local partner, in our case the Posumavi local action group. The under-mentioned solution can be further extended if need be, but we can also understand it as a general-purpose solution which means it can be widely used in other areas of the information support of regions.The knowledge and data presented in the paper were obtained as a result of the Research Program titled “Economy of the Czech Agriculture Resources and Their Efficient Use within the Framework of the Multifunctional Agri-food Systems” of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports number VZ MSM 6046070906.
Analysis of MO Ground States of Benzenoid Hydrocarbons in Terms of BORT Resonance Structures
imek, Vi?nja,?ivkovi?, Tomislav P.
- , 1997,
Abstract: Sa?etak In order to determine the most important resonance structures in the description of benzenoid hydrocarbons, Hückel and Pariser-Parr- Pople ground states of all such hydrocarbons with up to five benzene rings were analyzed in terms of BORT resonance structures. Due to the exponential increase of the number of resonance structures with the size of a benzenoid molecule, we used an approximate optimization procedure based on the greedy algorithm. The analysis of cumulative contributions of various sequences of resonance structures to the MO ground states of the considered ben- zenoids reveals that, besides the Kekulé structures, Claus structures are also very important in the description of these systems. The relative importance of Claus structures can be attributed to the local benzene-like character of these 7t-electron systems, and to the fact that benzene ground state is exactly represented as a linear combination of the two Kekulé and one Claus structures. The relative importance of other types of structures is generally much smaller. The real contribution of these other structures is somewhat obscured due to their large number and nonorthogonality
ICT in Agricultural Enterprises in the Czech Republic – Exploration 2010
J. Vaněk,P. ?imek,T. Vogeltanzová,E. ?ervenková
AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics , 2010,
Abstract: The present paper brings an outline of the methodology and chosen results of an extensive ICT development survey in agricultural enterprises that was carried out in the second quarter of 2010 in the whole Czech Republic. The survey was aimed primarily at the analysis of internet connectivity development in rural areas (i.e. areas where the majority of enterprises operates), at the technical and program equipment and last but not least at the present state and current trends in ICT use. This follow-up survey prosecutes the studies that were administered within the last two years (2009 in particular). In comparison with previous years, it comprises two brand new domains (e.g. social networks and their use, program equipment used in different segments of animal production, crop production and economy). The research was prepared, carried out and administred by the Department of Information Technologies in cooperation with the Information and Consulting Center of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Czech University of Life Sciences.
Information Services and ICT Development in Agriculture of the Czech Republic
J. Vaněk,J. Jarolímek,P. ?imek
AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics , 2009,
Abstract: The paper presents results of KIT (Department of Information Technologies) research which maps the actual state and expected development trends of information and communication technologies in conditions of CR agriculture. It includes results of investigation realized in 2008 with connection to the actually carried out inquiry in the first half-year 2009.
Map Resources – ECO Farms in the Czech Republic
J. Vanek,I. Bro?ová,J. Jarolímek,P. ?imek
AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics , 2010,
Abstract: The present paper deals with the creation of maps for the sake of a special map portal using the database of ecofarms in the Czech Republic. The map output is being developed and implemented within the framework of theResearch Program in mutual cooperation of the Department of Information Technologies, Information andConsulting Centre, other departments of the Faculty of Economics and Management CULS Prague with externalpartners, especially with the Ministry of Agriculture (Environment and Ecological Agriculture Section,Department of Ecological Agriculture) and the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information (UZEI) -Division of Agro-environmental Policy in Brno. The maps are visualized by means of MPPR 1.0 system andhave been processed – in the pilot stage - for the South Bohemian Region eco farms. The results represent initialdata from 2009 (as at 31st December 2009) that have been processed, verified and complemented in the courseof 2010.
New approaches to presenting information in the agrarian sector and country areas – Technological solution of the agris web portal
P. ?imek,J. Vanek,E. Cervenková,J. Jarolímek
AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics , 2010,
Abstract: The present paper brings an overview of both technological and functional upgrade of the agrarian web portalAGRIS (http://www.agris.cz). Agris 4.0 version has been developed, tested and launched in the course of 2010.Agris 4.0 is built and runs on Microsoft technologies within the framework of MS IIS web server. Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, an inherent part of the technology .NET framework 3.5, has been used.
Social Networks as an Integration Tool in Rural Areas – Agricultural Enterprises of the Czech Republic
E. ?ervenková,P. ?imek,T. Vogeltanzová,M. Sto?es
AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics , 2011,
Abstract: Social networks have been growing at a rapid pace. Social media represent one of the most significant phenomena of today's world and are more and more integrated from the private sphere into the commercial one (e.g. into marketing where social media already play a substantial role). The present paper is aimed at introducing an initial study on the use of social media in agricultural enterprises. The study was thus targeted at agricultural enterprises – both legal entities (public limited companies, limited liability companies and last but not least cooperatives) and natural persons (farmers) that farm the total area of more than 100 hectares (a basic selection criterion of the survey). This interesting study was conducted by means of a questionnaire survey that included information on social media awareness, development and use within the respective group of respondents (bigger agricultural enterprises). The paper deals with social media as such and naturally with the survey results. The data retrieved from the questionnaire were used not only for monitoring social networks integration in the agrarian sector (important factor in rural areas) but as well for exploring the potential of modern information tools in agriculture promotion. The survey has been carried out in mutual cooperation of the Department of Information Technologies with the Information and Consulting Centre, Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.
Virtual form of education in lifelong learning - chance for the country
J. Jarolímek,J. Vaněk,P. ?imek
AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics , 2009,
Abstract: The availability of education, including lifelong learning, is one of the value measures of quality of life in advanced countries. However, there are still significant differences between a township and a rural region. Centres of education are mainly situated in big cities; smaller municipalities are separated from these centres by tens or hundreds of kilometers (according to the conditions of the Czech Republic). While educating young people, it is usually accepted that they commute towards education; there is a whole range of social and cultural aspects; and above all, they have time for that - it is their main “working” load. The opposite situation is the case in lifelong learning, which is conducted in parallel with full-time employment but is necessary for effective and competitive performing of the employment. For participants of lifelong learning it is impossible to commute big distances; their working load does not allow it. Thus, those forms, in which so called education which goes to the students”, are chosen.ICT brings an enormous opportunity to bring education closer to the rural regions. A text form of e-learning is practically already standard; but a voice and image broadcast give us inexhaustible possibilities of usage. The aim of this paper is to propose and verify methods of distant (virtual) education with the use of multimedia tools.
imek, Marina
- , 1996,
Abstract: Sa?etak Stjepan Vukovi? wurde in Zagreb am 12. U. 1905. geboren. Als junger Lehrer arbeitete er in Hrvatsko Zagorje (Nordwestkroatien) und entdeckte z?hlige arch?ologische und pal?ontologische Fundpl?tze, sammelte Funde, stellte eine unfassende Dokumentation zusammen, erforschte die ?lteste Geschichte des Menschen in dieser Gegend. Die H?hle Vindija, nach vielen Jahren seiner Ausgrabungen und Forschungsarbeiten eine der bedeutendsten H?hlen Europas, war seine liebste Fundstelle. Er erforschte sie bis 1964. als er in den Ruhestand trat. 1938. wurde seine reiche Privatsammlung zum Kern der neugegründeten Pr?historischen (sp?ter Aich?ologischen) Abteilung des Stadtmuseums Vara?din. Von 1949. ist Stjepan Vukovi? als Kustos der Pr?historischen Abteilung im Museum t?tig und so konnte er sich nun v?llig der Gelendebegehungen und Ausgrabungen widmen. Malo Korenovo, zwei Fundstellen der Lasinja-Kultur -Kr? und Dragu?evec-, H?hle Ma?kova pe?ina, pal?olithische Station in Punikve, Villa rustica in der N?he von Jal?abet - das sind nur einige von vielen FundpUitzen die er entdeckte und erforschte. Nebst der Arch?ologie befasste er sich auch mit Geologic, Pal?ontologie, Volkskunde, woriiber man viele wertvoUe Angaben in seiner ausserordentlich reichen und exakt gefiihrten Dokumentation findet. Noch als junger Lehrer und sozusagen Anf?nger in der wissenschaftlicher Arbeit, war er der Bedeutung des Experimentes in der Arch?ologie v?llig bewusst. Experiment als Forschungsmethode, die zu vielen Antworten führt, war schon in 30. Jahren sein Lieblingsthema. ?EXPERIMENTALARCH?OLOGIE?, seine grosse, bewundernswerte Ausstellung, die er, schon im Ruhestand, mit Liebe aber auch mit Beharrlichkeit eines echten Wissenschaftlers 1974. vorbereitete, war leider auch sein Abschied von Arch?ologie. Stjepan Vukovi? starb am 15. 11. 1974

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